Thursday 5 January 2012

Hair Envy

Okay, so I suppose you've noticed that I've changed the name and look of my blog. I'm not sure what is was about 'Dancing Under Daisy Chains' it just wasn't working for me, it almost seemed a bit silly? But anyway, I really love the new blog name, I like the way it sounds..*puts on best French accent* "AVEC AMOUR". Enough about my blog name! On with the post!

Basically, to cut long story short,(hehe, excuse the pun!)I haven't had my hair cut in two and a half years. Yes, I know what you're thinking, and you're probably right! The ends are incredibly dry and i have more split ends than there are stars in the sky, which isn't actually that many at the moment due to this god awful weather, but anyway, you get my drift!

So tonight I'm getting my hair cut, but only a trim because I always regret doing anything too drastic such as getting it cut so short that I couldn't tie it up, and not as in a short bob to my chin but as in, boy hair cut kinda thing..So naturally, as I now have long hair after like 4 years of growing it, i wasn't planning on cutting it all off anytime soon!

However, I was on twitter and I came across Jaymie O'Callaghan. I saw she had a blog, so I immediately clicked on it. And apart from being an incredible artist, she has gorgeous hair too! And did I mention that she makes jewellery as well?! She has inspired me to just chop all my long hair off and and get bob. Her hair reminds me a lot of Alexa Chung's.

But even though I know I would probably regret it, my hair is just in such bad condition. It has no volume whatsoever...typing out all it's bad points just makes me want to cut it even more! Oh, what to do! I may just have to get a couple of inches of and not go the whole way, as you can probably tell I'm a bit of a wimp.

Someone else's hair that I have always admired is Fearne Cotton's. Even when some people weren't too sure about the colour or cut, I have always really loved it, and even more so now as she has pink hair too! I also adore her style, I love it how she mixes styles that just shouldn't be mixed and somehow it works, along with Alexa Chung too.

I apologise for the lack of blogging, but I've been far too busy stuffing my face with Quality Street whilst watching Great Expectations(Douglas Booth, I want you), Treasure Island(Toby Regbo, I want you even more) and Downton Abbey(I can't say Cousin Matthew is on my list..sorry).